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Supported systems

Simulation in Yop is done through the YopSimulator class. It takes as input YopSystems and YopConnections and outputs a YopSimulator object. Yop simulates semi-explicit differential algebraic equations (DAEs) of differential index-1 using the IDAS integrator from Sundials. This means that it can simulate systems on the form:

dx = f(t,x,z,p)
0 == g(t,x,z,p)

The user must therefore provide YopSystems and YopConnections such that when combined they form the above system.

Declaring a YopSimulator

To declare a YopSimulator the following syntax is used

simulator = YopSimulator(...
    'systems', [sys1, '...', sysN], ...
    'connections', [c1, '...', cM] ...

Only the 'systems' argument is necessary, but 'connections' need to be specified if several systems are provided.


To simulate you run the command .simulate. It requires that you specify an output grid at which points you obtain the numerical value of the simulation. It also requires that you specify initial values for the states and parameters. This is done using the following syntax:

res = simulator.simulate(...
    'grid', linspace(t0, tf, samples), ...
    'initialValue', system1.x, x0, ...
    'initialValue', system2.x, 0, ...
    'initialValue', system2.p ...

% You can also write for a nuber of elements
res = simulator.simulate(...
    'grid', linspace(t0, tf, samples), ...
    'initialValue', system1.x(1), x0(1), ...
    'initialValue', system1.x(2), x0(2), ...
    'initialValue', system1.x(3:end), x0(3:end), ...
    'initialValue', system2.x, 0, ...
    'initialValue', system2.p ...


It is also possible to specify options. The follwing options are available.

Option key Default value Valid value
'printStats' false true, false
'abstol' 1e-8 Positive number
'reltol' 1e-6 positive number

Enter the options by typing:

res = simulator.simulate(...
    'grid', linspace(t0, tf, samples), ...
    'initialValue', system1.x, x0, ...
    'initialValue', system2.x, 0, ...
    'initialValue', system2.p, ...
    'option', value ...

Obtaining the results

The results are obtained in a YopSimulationResults object. The object has the following properties:

YopSimulationResults with properties:

  NumericalResults: [1×1 struct]
         Variables: [1×1 struct]
             Stats: [1×1 struct]

Numerical results are stored in the numerical results property:

struct with fields:

  Independent: [1×ngridpoints double]
        State: [nx×ngridpoints double]
    Algebraic: [nz×ngridpoints double]
    Parameter: [np×ngridpoints double]

Variables are stacked on top of each other depending on in which order you entered the systems. To circumvent confusion regarding which variable is which, use can use the .signal method to get the numerical results.

Numerical results using .signal

By calling your results variable with the method .signal you can obtain the result of any expression that can be formed using the system variables. The syntax is the following:

sol = simulator.simulate('...');
y = sol.signal(expressionY);

Numerical results by symbolic plotting

You can plot the results using the Yop build-in plot functions. These behave like the normal plot functions, except that they take symbolic arguments for the x- and y-axis, instead of numerical values. The following plot methods are available for the YopSimulationResults class:

Available plot methods
.plot(x, y, varargin)
.plot3(x, y, z, varargin)
.stairs(x, y, varargin)

The functions are used in the same way as the corresponding Matlab built-in ones, except that you call it like an object method:

sol.plot(x, y, varargin)

sol.plot3(x, y, z, varargin)

sol.stairs(x, y, varargin)

Plot options such as line width, line color, etc., follow the exact same syntax as that of the regular plot functions. You also specify figure, subplots, and legends in the same way as you would for a normal plot. You also obtain line objects as you would normally:

h = sol.plot(x, y, varargin);