The following example is taken from An Optimal Control Benchmark: Transient Optimization of A Diesel-Electric Powertrain by Martin Sivertsson and Lars Eriksson. The paper was published at SIMS 2014 - 55th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling. The software is available at the Vehicular Systems website.
Problem explanation
The problem consists of optimizing the transient response of a diesel-electric powertrain when an increase in the generator electrical power is required. The model is a four state, three control, mean value engine model (mvem) paired with an electrical generator (the combination of the internal combustion engine and electrical generator is referred to as genset) of a medium-duty electrified powertrain. The dynamics are nonlinear and the constraints, as included here, are time varying.
For the reader not familiar with engine modeling and control, a mvem is a control-oriented model designed to study the fuel- and air-path of the engine [10]. The individual cylinders are not modeled, instead the mean value over a cycle is used, and thereof its name. By a Diesel-electric powertrain a configuration having both an internal combustion engine and electric motor/generator coupled in a series configuration, thus the combustiong engine is used as a power source.
The nomenclature is taken from the original paper, apart from a few changes, and is presented in the tables below.
Symbol | Description | Unit |
Mass flow | kg/s | |
Pressure | Pa | |
End time | s | |
Injected fuel | mg/cycle | |
Wastegate position | -,[0,1] | |
Blade speed ratio | - | |
Energy | J | |
Force | N | |
Inertia | kgm² | |
Torque | Nm | |
Power | W | |
Temperature | K | |
Air-fuel equivalence ratio | - | |
Fuel-air equivalence ratio | - | |
Density | kg/m³ | |
Rotational speed | rad/s |
Index | Description |
Air | |
Compressor | |
Compressor surge limit | |
Exhaust manifold | |
Fuel | |
Generator electrical | |
Cumbustion engine and generator | |
Internal cumbustion engine | |
Intake manifold | |
Maximum | |
Minimum | |
Generator mechanical | |
Turbine | |
Turbine mechanical | |
Turbocharger | |
Wastegate |
States and controls
The four states are engine speed , intake manifold pressure (the pressure in the volume prior to the combustion chamber) , exhaust manifold pressure (pressure in the volume after the combustion chamber, before the turbocharger) , and the turbocharger speed :
The three controls, , are injected amount of fuel per cycle , wastegate position , and generator power :
The differential equation describing the dynamics is:
Optimal control problem
The optimal control problem is formulated either as minimum fuel or minimum time according to the following:
Bewlow are the solution stages for the problem implemented in Yop. See full code block for easier to copy code.
Creating the YopSystem
See YopSystem
for more information on how to declare a YopSystem
%% -------- Transient optimization of Diesel-electric Powertrain ----------
% Copyright 2019, Viktor Leek
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Problem taken from:
% Formulated by: Martin Sivertsson and Lars Eriksson
% Publication:
% Software available at:
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% System of interest
genset = YopSystem('states', 5, 'controls', 3, 'model', @gensetModel);
time = genset.t;
engine = genset.y.engine;
compressor = genset.y.compressor;
intake = genset.y.intake;
cylinder = genset.y.cylinder;
exhaust = genset.y.exhaust;
turbine = genset.y.turbine;
wastegate = genset.y.wastegate;
turbocharger = genset.y.turbocharger;
generator = genset.y.generator;
Making an initial guess
Making an initial guess by simulating the system. See initial guess and simulation for more information.
%% Initial Guess
% An engine speed controller
desiredEngineSpeed = 1500; % rpm
controller = YopSystem('states', 1, 'externals', 3, 'parameters', 2, 'model', @speedController);
% A ramp for controlling the generator power output
rampStartingPoint = 1;
rampFinishPoint = 4;
preRampValue = 0;
postRampValue = 120e3;
rampParameters = [rampStartingPoint; rampFinishPoint; preRampValue; postRampValue];
demand = YopSystem('model', @(t) powerDemand(t, rampParameters) );
% Connect the systems
closed = 0;
c1 = YopConnection(controller.y.engineSpeedInput, engine.speed);
c2 = YopConnection(controller.y.desiredEngineSpeedInput, rpm2rad(desiredEngineSpeed));
c3 = YopConnection(controller.y.fuelLimiterInput, cylinder.fuelLimiter);
c4 = YopConnection(controller.y.controlSignal, cylinder.fuelInjection);
c5 = YopConnection(wastegate.control, closed);
c6 = YopConnection(generator.power, demand.y.power);
% Create a simulator
simulator = YopSimulator(...
'systems', [genset; controller; demand], ...
'connections', [c1; c2; c3; c4; c5; c6] ...
% Simulate the system
res = simulator.simulate(...
'grid', linspace(0, 7, 1000), ...
'printStats', true, ...
'initialValue', engine.speed, rpm2rad(800), ...
'initialValue', intake.pressure, 1.0143e+05, ...
'initialValue', exhaust.pressure, 1.0975e+05, ...
'initialValue', turbocharger.speed, 2.0502e+03, ...
'initialValue',, 0, ...
'initialValue', controller.y.integralState, 0, ...
'initialValue', controller.y.proportionalGain, 2, ...
'initialValue', controller.y.integralGain, 1 ...
Plotting the initial guess
Plotting states and control, see symbolic plotting for more information on plotting. Click here to see the resulting plots
%% Plot initial guess
% States
ax1 = subplot(511); hold on; grid on
res.plot(time, rad2rpm(engine.speed))
title('Engine speed [rpm]')
ax2 = subplot(512); hold on; grid on
res.plot(time, intake.pressure*1e-5)
title('Intake manifold pressure [bar]')
ax3 = subplot(513); hold on; grid on
res.plot(time, exhaust.pressure*1e-5)
title('Exhaust manifold pressure [bar]')
ax4 = subplot(514); hold on; grid on
res.plot(time, rad2rpm(turbocharger.speed)*1e-3)
title('Turbo speed [krpm]')
ax5 = subplot(515); hold on; grid on
title('Generator energy output [kJ]')
% Controls
ax6 = subplot(311); hold on; grid on
res.plot(time, cylinder.fuelInjection);
res.plot(time, cylinder.fuelLimiter, 'r')
title('Fuel injection [mg/cycle/cylinder]')
legend('u_{fuel}', 'smoke limiter', 'Location', 'South')
ax7 = subplot(312); hold on; grid on
res.plot(time, wastegate.control);
title('Wastegate range[0,1]')
ax8 = subplot(313); hold on; grid on
res.plot(time, generator.power*1e-3);
title('Generator power [kW]')
Constructing the optimal control problem
For more information on how to formulate an optimal control problem see Formulating optimal control problems.
%% Optimal control
ocp = YopOcp();
ocp.min({ timeIntegral( cylinder.fuelMassflow ) })
'systems', genset, ...
{ 1.1 '<=' t_f( time ) '<=' 1.4 }, ...
... Initial conditions
{ rpm2rad(800) '==' t_0( engine.speed ) }, ...
{ 1.0143e+05 '==' t_0( intake.pressure ) }, ...
{ 1.0975e+05 '==' t_0( exhaust.pressure ) }, ...
{ 2.0502e+03 '==' t_0( turbocharger.speed) }, ...
{ 0 '==' t_0( ) }, ...
{ closed '==' t_0( wastegate.control ) }, ...
... Terminal conditions
{ 100e3 '==' t_f( generator.power ) }, ...
{ 100e3 '==' t_f( ) }, ...
{ 0 '==' t_f( genset.ode(1:4) ) }, ... % Stationarity
... Box constraints
{ rpm2rad(800) '<=' engine.speed '<=' rpm2rad(2500) }, ...
{ 8.0889e+04 '<=' intake.pressure '<=' 350000 }, ...
{ 9.1000e+04 '<=' exhaust.pressure '<=' 400000 }, ...
{ 500 '<=' turbocharger.speed '<=' 15000 }, ...
{ 0 '<=' '<=' 3000000 }, ...
{ 0 '<=' cylinder.fuelInjection '<=' 150 }, ...
{ 0 '<=' wastegate.control '<=' 1 }, ...
{ 0 '<=' generator.power '<=' 100e3 }, ...
... Path constraints
{ turbine.BSRMin '<=' turbine.BSR '<=' turbine.BSRMax }, ...
{ 0 '>=' (engine.power - engine.powerLimit(1)) }, ...
{ 0 '>=' (engine.power - engine.powerLimit(2)) }, ...
{ 0 '>=' (cylinder.fuelToAirRatio - 1/cylinder.lambdaMin) }, ...
{ 0 '>=' (compressor.pressureRatio - compressor.surgeline) } ...
Scaling the problem
For more information on scaling see, Scaling.
% Scale problem
ocp.scale('objective', 1e3);
ocp.scale('variable', engine.speed, 'weight', rpm2rad(1e-3))
ocp.scale('variable', intake.pressure, 'weight', 1e-5)
ocp.scale('variable', exhaust.pressure, 'weight', 1e-5)
ocp.scale('variable', turbocharger.speed,'weight', 1e-3)
ocp.scale('variable',, 'weight', 1e-5)
ocp.scale('variable', cylinder.fuelInjection, 'weight', 1e-2)
ocp.scale('variable', wastegate.control, 'weight', 1e-5)
ocp.scale('variable', generator.power, 'weight', 1e-5)
Solving the problem
For more information on how to solve OCP’s see, Solving optimal control problems.
% Solve
sol = ocp.solve( ...
'initialGuess', res, ...
'controlIntervals', 75, ...
'collocationPoints', 'radau', ...
'polynomialDegree', 3, ...
'ipopt', struct('acceptable_tol', 1e-7) ...
Plotting the solution
Plotting states and control, see symbolic plotting for more information on plotting. Click here to see the resulting plots
%% Plot optimal control
% States
ax1 = subplot(511); hold on; grid minor
sol.plot(time, rad2rpm(engine.speed))
title('Engine speed [rpm]')
ax2 = subplot(512); hold on; grid minor
sol.plot(time, intake.pressure*1e-5)
title('Intake manifold pressure [bar]')
ax3 = subplot(513); hold on; grid minor
sol.plot(time, exhaust.pressure*1e-5)
title('Exhaust manifold pressure [bar]')
ax4 = subplot(514); hold on; grid minor
sol.plot(time, rad2rpm(turbocharger.speed)*1e-3)
title('Turbo speed [krpm]')
ax5 = subplot(515); hold on; grid minor
title('Generator energy output [kJ]')
% Controls
ax6 = subplot(311); hold on; grid minor
sol.stairs(time, cylinder.fuelInjection);
sol.plot(time, cylinder.fuelLimiter, 'r')
title('Fuel injection [mg/cycle/cylinder]')
legend('u_{fuel}', 'smoke limiter', 'Location', 'South')
ax7 = subplot(312); hold on; grid minor
sol.stairs(time, wastegate.control);
title('Wastegate range[0,1]')
ax8 = subplot(313); hold on; grid minor
sol.stairs(time, generator.power*1e-3);
title('Generator power [kW]')
Below follows the models used.
%% Functions
function out = rpm2rad(in)
out = in*pi/30;
function out = rad2rpm(in)
out = in*30/pi;
function y = powerDemand(t, p)
%% ------- Generator power demand -----------
% Author: Viktor Leek,
% Copyright 2019
import casadi.*
rampStartingPoint = p(1);
rampFinishPoint = p(2);
preRampValue = p(3);
postRampValue = p(4);
tVec = [ 0, rampStartingPoint, rampFinishPoint, 1000];
valueVec = [preRampValue, preRampValue, postRampValue, postRampValue];
lookupTable = casadi.interpolant('power', 'linear', {tVec}, valueVec);
y.power = lookupTable(t);
y.rampStartingPoint = rampStartingPoint;
y.rampFinishPoint = rampFinishPoint;
y.preRampValue = preRampValue;
y.postRampValue = postRampValue;
function [stateDerivative, y] = speedController(time, integralState, external, parameters)
%% A genset engine speed controller ---------
% PI-controller with wind-up (!)
% Author: Viktor Leek,
% Copyright 2019
engineSpeed = external(1); % Engine speed
desiredEngineSpeed = external(2); % Desired engine speed
fuelLimiter = external(3); % Smoke limiter
% Controller parameters
kp = parameters(1);
ki = parameters(2);
error = desiredEngineSpeed - engineSpeed;
% Feedback term
proportionalControl = kp*error;
integralControl = ki*integralState;
control = proportionalControl + integralControl;
% derivative of the integral
stateDerivative = error;
% Saturate contol signal
saturatedControl = if_else(control > fuelLimiter, fuelLimiter, control);
% Absolute limit
controlUpperBounded = if_else(saturatedControl < 0, 0, saturatedControl);
controlUpperLowerBounded = if_else(controlUpperBounded > 150, ...
150, ...
controlUpperBounded ...
% Store output as a struct:
y.engineSpeedInput = external(1);
y.desiredEngineSpeedInput = external(2);
y.fuelLimiterInput = external(3);
y.proportionalGain = parameters(1);
y.integralGain = parameters(2);
y.integralState = integralState;
y.controlSignal = controlUpperLowerBounded; % Engine control signal
y.unsaturatedControl = control; % unconstrained control signal
y.error = error; % Error
y.integralControl = integralControl; % integral part
y.proportionalControl = proportionalControl; % proportional part
y.fuelLimiter = fuelLimiter; % Smoke limiter
y.externalInput = external;
function [dX, y] = gensetModel(time, state, control)
% MVEM2 - a diesel-electric powertrain model, with the engine modeled using
% typical engine efficiency characteristic as described in:
% Martin Sivertsson and Lars Erisson
% Contact:
%The model has the states: x=[w_ice;p_im;p_em;w_tc]
% controls u=[u_f;u_wg;P_gen].
%MVEM2 takes x and u and param(the model parameters) and returns the
%state derivatives: dx=[dwice;dpim;dpem;dwtc] and some additional variables
%in the struct c.
% Copyright 2014, Martin Sivertsson, Lars Eriksson
% This package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
% published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
% This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Modified 2019, Viktor Leek
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
w_ice = state(1);
p_im = state(2);
p_em = state(3);
w_tc = state(4);
E_gen = state(5);
u_f = control(1);
u_wg = control(2);
P_gen = control(3);
param = gensetParameters;
%% Compressor
% Massflow
Pi_c = p_im / param.p_c_b;
w_tc_corr = w_tc / sqrt(param.T_c_b / param.T_amb);
w_tc_corr_norm = w_tc_corr / 15000;
Pi_c_max=( ...
(w_tc_corr*param.R_c)^2 * param.Psi_max/(2*param.cp_a.*param.T_c_b) + 1 ...
)^( param.gamma_a / (param.gamma_a-1) );
dot_m_c_corr_max = param.dot_m_c_corr_max(1)*(w_tc_corr_norm)^2 + ...
param.dot_m_c_corr_max(2)*(w_tc_corr_norm) + ...
dot_m_c_corr = dot_m_c_corr_max * sqrt( 1 - (Pi_c / Pi_c_max).^2 );
dot_m_c = dot_m_c_corr * (param.p_c_b / param.p_amb) / ...
sqrt(param.T_c_b /param.T_amb);
% Power
Phi = dot_m_c * param.R_a * param.T_c_b / ...
(w_tc * 8 * param.R_c^3 * param.p_c_b);
dPhi = Phi - param.Phi_opt;
dN = w_tc_corr_norm - param.w_tc_corr_opt;
eta_c = param.eta_c_max - ...
( param.Q(1) * dPhi.^2 + 2*dPhi.*dN* param.Q(3) + ...
param.Q(2) * dN.^2 );
P_c = dot_m_c * param.cp_a * param.T_c_b * ...
( Pi_c^( (param.gamma_a - 1)/param.gamma_a) - 1)/eta_c;
%% Cylinder
% Airflow
eta_vol = param.c_eta_vol(1) * sqrt(p_im) + ....
param.c_eta_vol(2) * sqrt(w_ice) + ...
dot_m_ci = eta_vol * p_im * w_ice * param.V_D / ...
( 4*pi * param.R_a * param.T_im);
% Fuelflow
dot_m_f = u_f * w_ice * param.n_cyl*(10^-6) / ...
( 4*pi );
phi = (param.AFs * dot_m_f) / dot_m_ci;
% Torque
a = ( param.eta_ig_isl(2) - param.eta_ig_isl(1) ) / ...
( -param.eta_ig_isl(3)^2 );
b = -2 * a * param.eta_ig_isl(3);
eta_factor = a*( u_f / w_ice )^2 + b*u_f/w_ice + param.eta_ig_isl(1);
eta_ig = eta_factor * (1 - 1/( param.r_c^(param.gamma_cyl-1) ));
W_pump = param.V_D * (p_em - p_im);
W_ig = param.n_cyl * param.Hlhv * eta_ig * u_f * 10^-6;
W_fric = param.V_D * 10^5 * ...
( param.c_fr(1)*(w_ice).^2 + ...
param.c_fr(2)*(w_ice) + ...
param.c_fr(3) );
M_ice = ( W_ig - W_fric - W_pump) / (4*pi);
P_ice = M_ice * w_ice;
% Maximum fuel injection
u_f_max = 4*pi * 1e6 * dot_m_ci / ...
( w_ice * param.AFs * param.lambda_min * param.n_cyl );
Pi_e = p_em / p_im;
q_in = dot_m_f * param.Hlhv / (dot_m_f + dot_m_ci);
T_eo = param.eta_sc * (Pi_e^( 1 - 1/param.gamma_a )) * ...
(param.r_c.^(1-param.gamma_a)) * ...
( q_in / param.cp_a+param.T_im * param.r_c^(param.gamma_a-1) );
T_em = param.T_amb_r + (T_eo-param.T_amb_r) * ...
exp( -param.h_tot*param.V_tot / ( (dot_m_f+dot_m_ci)*param.cp_e) );
%% turbine
Pi_t = param.p_es / p_em;
Psi_t = param.c_t(1) * sqrt( 1 - Pi_t^param.c_t(2) );
BSR = param.R_t * w_tc / ...
sqrt( 2 * param.cp_e * T_em * (1 - Pi_t^(1 - 1/param.gamma_e)) );
eta_tm = param.eta_tm_max - param.c_m * (BSR - param.BSR_opt)^2;
P_t_eta_tm = dot_m_t * param.cp_e * T_em * eta_tm * ...
(1 - Pi_t^( (param.gamma_e - 1) / param.gamma_e) );
% wastegate_massflow
Psi_wg = param.c_wg(1) * sqrt(1 - Pi_t^param.c_wg(2));
dot_m_wg = p_em * Psi_wg * param.A_wg_eff * u_wg/sqrt(T_em * param.R_e);
%% Generator
a1 = param.gen2(1)*w_ice^2 + param.gen2(2)*w_ice + param.gen2(3);
a2 = param.gen2(4)*w_ice^2 + param.gen2(5)*w_ice + param.gen2(6);
f1 = a1*P_gen + param.gen2(7);
f2 = a2*P_gen + param.gen2(7);
g1 = ( 1 + tanh( 0.005 * P_gen ) )/2;
P_mech = f2 + g1*( f1 - f2 );
%% Dynamic equations
dwice = (P_ice - P_mech) / w_ice / param.J_genset;
dpim = param.R_a * param.T_im * ( dot_m_c - dot_m_ci ) / param.V_is;
dpem = param.R_e * T_em * (dot_m_ci + dot_m_f - dot_m_t - dot_m_wg) / param.V_em;
dwtc = (P_t_eta_tm - P_c) / (w_tc * param.J_tc);
dE_gen = P_gen;
dX = [dwice; dpim; dpem; dwtc; dE_gen];
%% Signals
y.compressor.speed = w_tc;
y.compressor.pressureRatio = Pi_c;
y.compressor.efficiency = eta_c;
y.compressor.power = P_c;
y.compressor.surgeline = param.c_mc_surge(1) * dot_m_c_corr + param.c_mc_surge(2);
y.intake.pressure = p_im;
y.intake.temperature = param.T_im;
y.cylinder.volumetricEfficiency = eta_vol;
y.cylinder.airMassflow = dot_m_ci;
y.cylinder.fuelInjection = u_f;
y.cylinder.fuelMassflow = dot_m_f;
y.cylinder.fuelToAirRatio = phi;
y.cylinder.indicatedEfficiency = eta_ig;
y.cylinder.indicatedTorque = W_ig/(4*pi);
y.cylinder.pumpingTorque = W_pump/(4*pi);
y.cylinder.frictionTorque = W_fric/(4*pi);
y.cylinder.temperatureOut = T_eo;
y.cylinder.fuelLimiter = u_f_max;
y.cylinder.lambdaMin = 1.2;
y.engine.speed = w_ice;
y.engine.efficiency = if_else(u_f <= 0, 0, P_ice/(dot_m_f*param.Hlhv));
y.engine.torque = M_ice;
y.engine.power = P_ice;
y.engine.powerLimit = [(param.cPice(1)*w_ice^2 + param.cPice(2)*w_ice + param.cPice(3)); ....
(param.cPice(4)*w_ice^2 + param.cPice(5)*w_ice + param.cPice(6))];
y.exhaust.pressure = p_em;
y.exhaust.temperature = T_em;
y.turbine.speed = w_tc;
y.turbine.pressureRatio = Pi_t;
y.turbine.massflow = dot_m_t;
y.turbine.BSR = BSR;
y.turbine.BSRMax = param.BSR_max;
y.turbine.BSRMin = param.BSR_min;
y.turbine.efficiency = eta_tm;
y.turbine.power = P_t_eta_tm;
y.wastegate.control = u_wg;
y.wastegate.massflow = dot_m_wg;
y.turbocharger.speed = w_tc;
y.generator.power = P_gen; = E_gen;
function param = gensetParameters()
param.AFs= 14.7500;
param.A_t_eff= 7.8800e-04;
param.A_wg_eff= 3.1400e-04;
param.BSR_max= 1.1000;
param.BSR_min= 0.1500;
param.BSR_opt= 0.6220;
param.Hlhv= 42900000;
param.J_genset= 2.5000;
param.J_tc= 1.8695e-04;
param.P_ice_max= 205000;
param.Phi_opt= 0.0598;
param.Psi_max= 1.6380;
param.Q= [79.2671 0.7985 -1.4358];
param.R_a= 287;
param.R_c= 0.0328;
param.R_e= 286;
param.R_t= 0.0325;
param.T_amb= 298.4636;
param.T_amb_r= 298.8639;
param.T_c_b= 295.5297;
param.T_im= 292.0892;
param.V_D= 0.0067;
param.V_em= 0.0015;
param.V_is= 0.0143;
param.V_tot= 1;
param.cPice= [3.7461 623.4000 -21721 -3.2003 1.8788e+03 -62537];
param.c_eta_vol= [1.4393e-04 -0.0239 1.1339];
param.c_fr= [3.7591e-05 -0.0052 0.7196];
param.c_m= 2.0245;
param.c_mc_surge= [12.3530 0.6861];
param.c_t= [0.6859 2.3633];
param.c_wg= [0.6666 5.3517];
param.cp_a= 1011;
param.cp_e= 1332;
param.cv_a= 724;
param.dot_m_c_corr_max= [0.0419 0.3416 0.1918];
param.eta_c_max= 0.7915;
param.eta_ig_isl= [0.6650 0.7090 0.4450];
param.eta_sc= 1.2563;
param.eta_tm_max= 0.7075;
param.gamma_a= 1.3964;
param.gamma_cyl= 1.3500;
param.gamma_e= 1.2734;
param.gen2= [2.1584e-06 -6.2603e-04 1.0956 -1.5119e-06 8.0325e-04 0.8229 360.3522];
param.h_tot= 44.6091;
param.lambda_min= 1.2;
param.n_cyl= 6;
param.p_amb= 1.0111e+05;
param.p_c_b= 9.9510e+04;
param.p_es= 1.0587e+05;
param.r_c= 17.2000;
param.u_max= [150; 1; 300000];
param.u_min= [0; 0; 0];
param.w_tc_corr_opt= 0.5106;
Simuation plots
Optimal solution plots