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yoptimization.com can be navigated with either the navigation bar on the side or by searching for keywords for the pages in the search bar at the top. Below follows a lists for all the available pages and their keywords.


Page Keywords
About Yop about, people, funding
Citing Yop citations, citing yop


Page Keywords
Installation guide install, installation, guide, dependencies, casadi

Getting started

Page Keywords
Getting started with Yop Getting stared, basics, YopSystem, YopSimulator, YopOcp


Page Keywords
YopSystem overview YopSystem overview, declaration, connections, modeling limitations, Independent variables
YopSystem overview YopSystem overview, declaration, connections, modeling limitations, Independent variables
Modeling limitations Getting stared, basics, YopSystem, system, model, limitations
YopSystem YopSystem, declaration, Supported systems, YopSystem variables, model
Connections YopSystem, connections, YopConnection
Modeling limitations Getting stared, basics, YopSystem, system, model, limitations
The independent variable YopSystem, system, independent, variable

Optimal control

Page Keywords
Optimal control YopSystem, YopSimulator, YopOcp, optimal control problems, initial guess
Formulating optimal control problems YopOcp, formulating optimal control problems, problem formulation, scaling, scale, constraints, box, path, multi-phase, objective function, timeIntegral, syntax, sol, solution
Providing an initial guess YopOcp, initial guess, simulation, YopInitialGuess, fixed guess value
Solving optimal control problems solving optimal control problems, solution, optimize, IPOPT, solve, plot, signal, build, parameterize, symbolic, plotting, discretize, ocp, path, boundary, constraints, re-parametrization, speed-up, satisfied


Page Keywords
Simulation YopSimulator, Simulation, overview
Simulation YopSimulator, Simulation, supported systems, simulating, signal, symbolic, plot

Optimal control examples

Page Keywords
Yop example overview example, overview
Bryson-Denham Problem Bryson-Denham, Bryson, Denham, example, basics
Bryson-Denham Pareto Front Bryson-Denham, Bryson, Denham, example, Pareto, front
Bryson-Denham Animation File Bryson-Denham, Bryson, Denham, animation, animate
Goddard Rocket Maximum Ascent, Final Time Fixed example, Goddard, rocket, spaceX, maximum, ascent, final, time, fixed, tf, NASA, space
Goddard Rocket Maximum Ascent examples, Goddard, rocket, spaceX, NASA, maximum, ascent, space
Goddard Rocket Maximum Ascent, Final Time Free example, Goddard, rocket, spaceX, maximum, ascent, final, time, free, tf, NASA, space
Goddard Rocket Maximum Ascent, Final Time Free example, Goddard, rocket, spaceX, maximum, ascent, final, time, free, tf, NASA, space
Goddard Rocket Maximum Ascent, Final Time Fixed example, Goddard, rocket, spaceX, maximum, ascent, final, time, fixed, tf, NASA, space
Goddard Rocket Landing example, Goddard, rocket, spaceX, maximum, ascent, NASA, space, landing
Animate The Goddard Rocket animation, goddard, rocket
A Linear Problem With Bang Bang Control example, Bang Bang, control, linear
Greenhouse Climate Control example, Greenhouse, Growing, light, optimal, control, cultivation, willigenburg, external, input, interpolation
Isoperimetric Constraint Problem example, isoperimetric, constraint
Nondifferentiable system example, nondifferentiable, if_else
Code For Transient optimization of Diesel-electric Powertrain example, Diesel, engine, transient, powertrain, code
Transient optimization of Diesel-electric Powertrain example, Diesel, engine, transient, powertrain
Code For Transient optimization of Diesel-electric Powertrain example, Diesel, engine, transient, powertrain, code


Page Keywords
Double Integrator Simulation Example example, double integrator, simulation
Simulation of Diesel-electric Powertrain example, Diesel, engine, transient, powertrain, simulation


Page Keywords
Workshop information workshop, slides
Initial Guess For The Goddard Rocket example, goddard, rocket, initial, guess
Initial Guess For The Goddard Rocket Solution None
Optimize Fuel Tank Size Of The Goddard Rocket Solution example, goddard, rocket, fuel, tank
Optimize Fuel Tank Size Of The Goddard Rocket Exercise example, goddard, rocket, fuel, tank
Optimize Fuel Tank Size Of The Goddard Rocket Solution example, goddard, rocket, fuel, tank